Top Ways to Save Water at Home
There are endless ways to save water at home that can help lower your water bill as well as your environmental impact.
While washing hands, dishes, and produce, as well as while shaving at the sink, sometimes it seems easier to just leave the water running even when you’re not using it.
But shutting off the faucet while washing your hands or doing other tasks can save more water than you think. During a 20-second hand wash, you could waste a quarter of a gallon of water. And with all the hand washing we’re doing these days, that really adds up.
Another common everyday household chore that leads to considerable water wastage is keeping the tap running while washing clothes and utensils. Here, one of the recommended tips on saving water is to wait until the sink is full and wash dishes all at once instead of washing them one-by-one under a running tap.
Likewise, for machine washing, a full load of laundry is a water-efficient choice. Whereas, for hand-washing, using less amount of detergent will require less water for rinsing.
Turning off the tap while washing clothes and dishes is one of the efficient ways to conserve water. This will save more than 50 litres of water per day. Plus, if you are using a washing machine or a dishwasher, then by following this tip you can save water and electricity.