PATWILLISECO’s Priorities - 2023

We have coordinated the global agreement on a Geographic Prioritisation which should be providing us with a frame – or a development approach – both for individual NROs, future presences and global ECO friends, and a useful and flexible approach that provides a good basis that can also be adjusted over time.

Priority 1: Programme Goals 2023 – 2024: In 2023 we will need to coordinate adjustment and development of global ECO friends short term programme goals, based on our previous learning and achievements.


Priority 2: Our Future fleet: Our fleet continue to work to deliver our campaign theories of change whilst we explore what the future of our fleet might look like.


Priority 3: Impact and Evaluation: PATWILLISECO will apply a rigorous assessment and evaluation of the last three years of campaigning under the Framework to learn and inform the new Programme Goals.


Priority 4: Geo-Prioritisation: We have coordinated the global agreement on a Geographic Prioritisation which should be providing us with a frame – or a development approach – both for individual NROs, future presences and global ECO friends, and a useful and flexible approach that provides a good basis that can also be adjusted over time.


Priority 5: Contribution Model: Coordinating with the aim to agree on a new contribution model to be approved in 2022 for implementation from 2023 onwards, in order to ensure that the global network is best able to shift resources quickly to where they are needed to win campaigns or where they are best needed to raise the money to fund future campaigns.

We acknowledge the desire to encourage accountability through developing indicators to measure our success and will develop as a key next step a set of success indicators to accompany this plan.