PATWILLISECO’s Priorities - 2022

Responsiveness as a way to maintain an external focus to be able to identify and act on opportunities in the world as it is rather than as we planned for it to be has increased dramatically across the programmes

Priority 1: Re-energising the Operating Model (OM). We will continue the OM evolution as a priority though into 2022 and the shared experiences and learning from implementing the framework are reflected in the types of global ECO friendly campaigning.


Priority 2: Global Resource Plan. We obtain agreement across ECO friends on the resources needed, in line with Geo-Prioritisation, to support NROs to deliver under the framework.



Priority 3: Responsiveness as a way to maintain an external focus to be able to identify and act on opportunities in the world as it is rather than as we planned for it to be has increased dramatically across the programmes. 


Priority 4: Impact and Learning: Building on the momentum gained through insights from systems we have created to measure and evaluate where we are having impact, we will continue to improve our learning environment for the benefit of all NROs. We will promote further innovation, testing, failing (forward) and learning. We will work across PATWILLISECO and NROs to ensure we also strive and work towards incorporating more data science into our decision making process.

Priority 5: With tailored support of NROs as the norm, and peer to peer support as a common practice, NROs would now be receiving the support they need from across PATWILLISECO in a smooth and coordinated fashion. Less NROs, thus should be in critical situations.


Priority 6: Our systems: Across the organization we enable strengthened core systems as needed, whether this be our shared systems that enable alignment, or our global integrity or technology systems. This will not only ensure us and NROs can connect with each other better but also sets all of us up for good accountability.