Using advocacy to help protect the environment

What we do


Our advocacy method is not about confrontation; in fact quite the reverse, we gently influence those with power to bring about change. It is important to first find issues which both parties agree on. Spend time supporting them and building good relationships. Once this is done they are more likely to be sympathetic to requests for changes.

Part of our missions is to carry out advocacy work through speaking out against injustice, defending the cause of poor people, holding those in power to account, and empowering people to speak out for themselves.

We advocate to:


We are able to influence people, policies, structures and systems in order to bring about change and communicate with those in power, persuading them to act in more just and equitable ways. At the core, it is about building relationships, tackling the root causes of poverty and promoting justice.  

your guide

Our effective advocacy planning involves:

We advocate for sustainable management of natural resources

Good management of forests, fresh water, pastures, soils and other resources is essential if communities are to develop in ways that do not damage their natural environment. There is increasing competition for land, wood for fuel or for timber (industry and export) and for water for drinking, agriculture and industry. These challenge efforts to manage the natural environment so that it does not become depleted and damaged. When deciding to carry out advocacy in relation to this issue, it is very important that the causes of a particular problem impacting a community or country are fully analysed. Usually, government responsibility for resource management is divided between different departments and administrative levels.

Understanding the most effective way to use advocacy is therefore very important. Sometimes resource management issues can result in conflict between local people and large multinational companies, with government sometimes taking the side of the companies. Resource management issues can also cause conflicts within communities as people struggle for scarce resources such as water or land. Problems related to natural resources are usually interconnected – what happens to forests affects water supplies and soil qualities and so on. Communities may only experience impacts in relation to one resource, but the resources in other communities may also be affected.