PATWILLISECO’s Priorities - 2021

We continue to improve openness and transparency around decision-making and communications around decisions, to foster understanding amongst our staff about who takes which decisions, where and what you can expect to know.

Priority 1: Open and Collaborative: We will encourage and prioritise our work that promotes collaboration with the NROs over the next three years. We will support innovation and experiments that invite participation of change agents. This requires giving space and time to collaborate as part of our daily lives. Increasing the opportunity for efficiencies by collaborating on resources and better communication.


Priority 2: ‘Living our story’ is a key to ECO friendly organisational culture and is one for authenticity and success. We will work on issues of integrity, learning and development as examples which will both shift our organisational culture and continue to build internal trust. We will invite our supporters and partners to share their stories of courage.


Priority 3: Re-energising our operational model we will create space for honest and open conversations with us and NROs to take up roles, responsibilities and leadership that stay true to our objectives and focus on creating the right balance between enabling versus doing, and ensuring our resources and money are fairly distributed according to our agreed geo-prioritization and global campaign priorities.

Priority 4: Analytics for campaign impact: Understanding our global campaign impact and how people are responding to us through social media and polling are critical and in 2021 we will strengthen our systems for measuring where our impact and support is making the changes in the world we want to see. We will establish first class programmatic analysis, both across and within our global programme, as per our data privacy policy. This will require strengthening and better consolidation and integration of the analytical capacity across our departments and can also support us in being better able to step into responsive moments and deploy a disruption theory of change.


Priority 5: Tailoring NROs Support: Part of the essential work, is to ensure we provide tailored NROs support based upon strong partnerships and relationships with them in order to fulfil our unique roles in the network.


Priority 6: Decision making: We continue to improve openness and transparency around decision-making and communications around decisions, to foster understanding amongst our staff about who takes which decisions, where and what you can expect to know.

Priority 7: Leadership and Management: Across PATWILLISECO and NROs we need to ensure strong, independent leadership that serves our mission and inspires and supports individual creativity at the same time. We encourage and support leadership efforts at all levels to support our decision making. We will prioritise management training and all this entails as a key focus for us. We aim to ensure accountability across PATWILLISECO International by improving our performance management, strengthen our middle management layers, ensuring a strong powerful communities and ensure matrix management is becoming more the practice and behaviour.


Priority 8: Effectiveness and efficiency: We have prioritised for 2021 the need to focus on our effectiveness and efficiencies, building upon our systems and decision making we need to ensure that our processes are evaluated to ensure we avoid too much bureaucracy and remain nimble and responsive.