Strategic Plans

‘Living our story’ is a key to ECO friendly organisational culture and is one for authenticity and success. We will work on issues of integrity, learning and development as examples which will both shift our organisational culture and continue to build internal trust. We will invite our supporters and partners to share their stories of courage.


PATWILLISECO Three Year Strategic Plan

2021 - 2024

2024 Vision


By 2024 we will have charted courses that take PATWILLISECO headlong globally to be amongst world’s greatest environmental, health and safety protagonist. We will be in the places where change happens. We will be in a position to influence the outcomes.

By 2024 we will have played our part in ensuring renewable power systems will have passed the points of no return. The final tributes to the age of coal will have been written by the champions: us and the movement at large. Projecting that coal use will be down by 20% and headed toward zero. Ensuring a fossil free future will be within our sights. Be it from the Amazon mouth, the frigid waters of the Arctic and the Great Australian Bight, oil will be seen as not only as environmentally toxic but socially toxic. The oil industry’s decline will accelerate, drilling licences revoked and global demands reduces. Sustainable renewable energy will no longer be if or even a when, but already in motion and the clarion call for As Soon As Possible but Now, will drive disruptive change at a pace previously considered impossible. We shall no longer be asked if global climate change can be kept below 1.5 degrees centigrade, because people would see we are on the way there.


Collusion between corporate establishments and governments will be challenged and public health shall supersede private wealth. Global priceless ecological heritage will be preserved for future generations. The financial sector will be held accountable and funding sources for destructive industries shall be removed at source.


There shall not be threats to oceans and forests due to thoughtless and unsustainable consumption. Our health and ecological wealth will be looked after through sustainable ethical farming and eating. Ethical farming awareness will fuel mind-set shifts towards realising that only by deliberate participation we can turn the tide for better. Collaboration and innovation shall be beneficial to the societies at large for equitable and sustainable future.

The need to support and collaborate with indigenous peoples, women, children, and people living in poverty, workers and environmental defenders shall be prioritized. With these transformations we will be contributing to workers and community’s wellbeing and the planet earth. Achieving greater equity among genders, races and classes socially and economically and where the benefits of inclusion, diversity and innovation are enjoyed by more than just those at the top.

PATWILLISECO International staff will be seen as valued partners of the staff working at the (independent) national and regional levels. We will achieve these by ensuring that our programmes are focused on latest key global political economic and social developments, tight on strategy, authorize local implementation and is solid on evaluation and learning.    We will be agile, well-trained, responsive and supportive. Globally, we will adapt to cultural changes and reduce risks in all operations, especially the wellbeing of our employees and volunteers.


We will help with problem solving, build capacity, and keep forward momentum, share skills and latest practices. We will be a change maker, innovative, effective, collaborative, diverse and inclusive organisation. Working broadly, globally to create the social values in relationship with nature.

PATWILLISECO International Functions for the next 3 years

Our four key functions globally:


Assessing our ability in every ecological location of interest to achieve greatness, identify key challenges that could impact our operational systems. Work out a strategic direction and agreement framework.

Organizational Performance

Enhance organisational performance through project analysis, alignment, continuity, monitoring and evaluation. Have a clear understanding of how the network of the various National and Regional Organisations (NROs) are performing as a whole. We aim to have strong metrics, ‘business’ information and analytics to be able to say how well our global programme of work is being delivered. We will share and collate that knowledge and analysis within the network to provide a reality check on where we have specific strengths, resources and skills and compare that to where they are needed.

Supporting National and Regional Offices (NROs)

Our job is provide effective services to the NROs and systems to enable and/or support the various NROs to deliver the global programme, individually and together.

Ensure a highly effective global network

Our people are ECO friendly, we must prioritise their support and development.

Together with the NROs we are a global network and it is a core function of PATWILLISECO to ensure that the manner in which we work together is fit for purpose. We must give clarity on the requirements of our entities and allow for swift and strategic decision-making. The Board remains central to the success of our cooperation. Our management will work together with the Board to deliver what the NROs need in an effective and collaborative manner, fulfilling each of our roles so that together we are stronger.

We will bring a diversity of voices and opportunities to our work to allow us to work in countries and with communities we have been so far unable to reach.


PATWILLISECO’s priorities 2021 – 2024

We will encourage and prioritise our work that promotes collaboration with the NROs over the next three years. We will support innovation and experiments that invite participation of change agents. This requires giving space and time to collaborate as part of our daily lives. Increasing the opportunity for efficiencies by collaborating on resources and better communication.

We will encourage and prioritise our work that promotes collaboration with the NROs over the next three years.